Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Intermittent Fasting and Weight loss

Lets be real, losing weight is hard. Discipline is hard but backsliding is like eating ABC.  Maybe you've eaten healthy, exercised, lost some weight....but now you've hit a plateau.

Whats IF (Intermittent Fasting)?

IF is a pattern where you have periods of eating and periods of fasting. IF is not a diet fad. Here´s the thing, the first meal of the day is called Breakfast, why? Because you have been going through a cycle of fasting (in your sleep) where you don´t consume any food. Bottom line, whether you like it or not, you are already doing IF lol 

(breakfast like a king is a huge lie. Here´s some TBT. I was in college way before Thika superhighway was  constructed. You know what that meant? by 6.00 o clock you had better be out of the house otherwise traffic would be abnormal. For someone like me who adores my sleep, it meant breakfast was not an option for the days I had early morning classes. My first meal was usually at 10.00 during the break. In short I was doing IF a decade ago without my knowledge hahaha. Funny thing lunch was always fries, smokies/sausages and soda and dessert was "pin-pop" lol, and man was I thin? I think I used to weigh 60 or so kgs cos at 63 i´d feel fat (please lets laugh together at the fact that I once considered 63 kgs fat, lol). 

Back to the point.

There are several IF methods, the most common being the 16/8 method. This just means that you eat all your meals, whatever you may, within the 8 hour period but for 16 hours you only drink water and maybe sugarless coffee or tea. For instance you can have your last meal at 6.00 pm and have your first meal at 10.00 a.m. Simple right? 

When we eat carbohydrates they are broken down into glucose, which is the form in which our body can use for energy. Whatever the body doesn't use is stored in the liver and also in the muscles in the form of Glycogen, which after several processes is turned into fat. 

How IF works:

After your last meal:
Within the first 0 to approx 6 hours your body uses energy from your last meal.
within 6 to 14 hours, your body uses energy from your blood sugar.
Within 14 to 16 hours your body is burning fat
and Within 16 to 24 hours the fat burning is accelerated and apparently this is the best time to workout!

So here´s my story. 

First of all, I will shamelessly admit that I've been very lazy when it comes to IF, but I've still lost approx. 6.5 kilos so Im good hahaha

Anyhu this is my progress after three months of erratic IF-ing here and there:

|No workouts (I've only done two 25 minutes Shaun T workouts), no diet..just IF|

Judge my pair of shorts all you want, but i love it and it fits lol

Disclaimer: Do i look like a doctor? (hint: i am no doctor ) please consult your doctor if necessary.


Saturday, 24 November 2018

WanderLust 2018 (North Rhine Westphalia only)

Considering I´m able to freely move around the state of NRW , I decided to do a post on this state separate from the main wanderlust post to avoid too much of NRW there. However this particular post is for the smaller cities and towns. The major one are still in the Wanderlust post.