Tuesday, 25 February 2014


This week has not been good for my weight loss journey. One, i only exercised twice as opposed to my initial plan of at least four days this week, two, my blender broke down so no smoothies.

Week 2 Summary:

  • 2075 Rope jumps
  • 475 High knee jumps
  • 275 Jumping x jacks
  • 175 Donkey Kicks
  • 175 Seconds Planks 
  • 95 Modified Push-ups
  • 55 Sit-ups
  • 175 Squats
Here is a breakdown of how i managed the above:

Day 5: Monday 17-Feb-2014
1030 rope skips, 25 sit ups, 230 knee jumps, 80 seconds plank, 130 X jacks, 40 modified pushups, 80 donkey kicks, 80 squats.

0.5 Litres of water, mango + coconut + tomato + banana smoothie

Day 6: Tuesday 18-Feb-2014
1045 rope skips, 30 sit ups, 245 knee jumps, 95 seconds plank, 145 X jacks, 55 modified pushups, 95 donkey kicks, 95 squats.

1 Litre water

"What the fool does in the end, the wise did in the begining"

Love Adhis♥

Sunday, 16 February 2014

6 Month Castor Oil Hair Challenge

Am sure you have read or heard of the Castor oil hair challenge. If not, honey open a new tab and google it, you might like what you read. My hair has gone through a lot in the past few months.

Genesis of my woes
I shaved my hair in late 2008, mainly because i had relaxed it and wasn't taking good care as is required of relaxed hair, result serious hair breakage! After that weaves became my best friend and believe or not i weaved my hair for three straight years with NO break.

I used to have thick strong black hair, maybe the thickest you can imagine on an african head :). My hair also used to be really strong, like really really strong. I had the type of hair that was resistant to some type of relaxers, like i had specific brands that literally had no effect on straightening my hair!

Fast forward November 2013.
My hair had thinned out terribly, especially at the front, you could literally see through. I think i had lost at least 60% of my hair as a result of tagging and pulling in the weaving process.
I even became conscious and started checking out women who have weaves on, and i could see at least 95% or so of them were losing their hairlines due to weaving. I decided it was time i took a break from weaves.
So i started braiding Ghanian lines, drop lines and braids. I also bought this hair oil called Vatika from Tuskys Supermarket. Two months down the line, my hair was much better and a thick new growth has started to fill in.

Early this year, i decide to trim my hair which i think had menapaused prematurely due to the weaving situation. One week later, i decided to dye it. I started with INECTO, cant clearly remember the exact color. This was even after my hair dresser told me that it (INECTO) doesnt stay. True to her words, the color all went down as i was rinsing my hair. Never mind the package says its permanent. And by the way, i never knew most dyes had ammonia, which irritated my scalp that has now become super sensitive.

Two days later, i Purchased Dark n Lovely (plum colour). Heeee, the ammonia in that dye! Good thing is the colour stuck after rinsing and it was a soft plum that glittered, especially in sunlight.

Later on that week, i noticed my bedroom floor has an unusual amount of hair. Turned out that every time i combed my hair, i would lose a great amount in very short pieces. Three or so days later, i noticed a huge patch on my right temple, the size of a coin. The next day i noticed another patch, and another!
In the end i had like six or so patches as smooth as a baby's bottom PANIC MODE.

After minutes of googling (am sure i'm not the only one who googles before seeking anyone's opinion :P) i discovered that the ammonia in permanent hair dyes causes hair breakage. How was i supposed to know that????!!!!.

And that Ladies and gentlemen is how i stumbled across the castor oil hair challenge

Castor Oil Hair Challenge

This is a challenge that requires you to oil your hair in castor oil frequently (or even daily) and note the change after a period of time. You take a before picture and after the challenge you also post an after pic then compare the two and determine if it worked.

Most people online talked of the Jamaican Black Castor oil, but they say simple castor oil is also as good. The castor oil is a bit thick so you may want to mix it with Olive oil or Coconut oil. For me i will mix with both Olive and coconut. You can google more options (rosemary oil etc)

In a nutshell what castor oil does:

  • Combats hair loss
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Treats scalp infection
  • Reduces Split ends and hair
  • Conditions and moisturises hair
  • Helps get rid of dry scalp
  • Makes hair dark and shiny
  • Provides thickness to hair

You can actually google before and after pics and see the differences.

Here are the products i will be using. Cant clearly remember the exact costs. For the castor oil, i think it was around 180 shillings, The Olive oil i think went for 260, and for the vatika i bought a while back, between 200 and 350.
Castor Oil
Olive Oil

Vatika Oil

There you go. I dont have a current photo of my hair as it is weaved :(  , But i will add one soonest, then six months from now, mid August we see if the "castor Oil Hair Challenge" actually works.

Adhis ♥


Yay, so finally i have began my weight loss journey. Started this week, although i only exercised thrice. My goal is to make exercise a daily routine, a lifestyle.
My target is to lose at least 12 kilograms within the next 6 months. My target weight is 63 kgs. (Am currently at 75)

Some of these exercises i must say were a real challenge. The first day i did my SQUATS, honey my thighs were on fire! I was left walking like a retarded Penguin. I had to take a break for a week, then resumed again this week, at least i was now walking like a penguin in 6-inch heels :)
My plan is to work out six days a week and rest on the seventh.

So below is a summary of what i did. And by the way i don't plan to weigh myself until after the 24 weeks are done. The only way to judge my progress will be by using measurements (Bust-Waist-Hips).

Week 1 Summary:

  • 3015 Rope jumps
  • 415 High knee jumps
  • 415 Jumping x jacks
  • 165 Donkey Kicks
  • 145 Seconds Planks (my palms were all sweaty after 3 seconds, woiii!)
  • 46 Modified Pushups
  • 145 Situps
  • 165 Squats
Here is a breakdown of how i managed the above:

Day 1: Wednesday 29-Jan-2014
50 squats (hapa ndio nilitembea kama penguin hana coordination), 100 Jumping Jacks, 20 sit-ups,
15 minutes of Jessica Smith Workout (Look Better Naked) <--- That is the name of the workout btw :)

1 litre water (you have probably heard of the importance of water in weight loss and general well being)
Mango, Water Melon, a Banana and some grapes (i will also assume you have heard of the 4 fruits and 5 vegetables rule for healthy living)

Day 2: Tuesday 11-Feb-2014
1000 Rope Jumps, 50 Donkey Kicks, 100 X Jacks, 30 Seconds Plank, 10 Pushups and 30 Situps.

1 litre water
Coconut + mango + banana +tomato + carrot Smoothie.

Day 3: Wednesday 12-Feb-2014
1000 Rope Jumps, 200 High Knee Jumps, 100 X jacks, 50 Donkey Kicks, 50 Seconds Plank, 11 push Ups, 40 Sit-ups and 50 squats.

(i was so proud of myself this day ♥)

1 Litre water
Mango + banana + tomato + coconut smoothie

Day 4 : Friday 14-Feb-2014    (Yes, i worked out on valentines )
1015 rope jumps, 215 High Knee Jumps, 115 X jacks, 65 Seconds planks (MAKOFI kwangu), 25 Modified Push-ups, 55 sit-ups and 65 squats.

1 litre water
mango + banana + coconut + avocado + tomato + spinach smoothie.

My plan is to increase everything by 15 weekly. Eg if i did 1000 rope Jumps this week, next week i plan to do 1015 etc.

"Procrastination is a luxury i cannot afford"

There you go, see you next week

Love Adhis♥