- Kindly consult your Doctor before trying out any diet changes.
- Note that i am talking about Alkaline Foods not Alkaline Diets.
Sometime back, I remember listening to a doctor (who hosted a health show on Sunday mornings in a local TV station) talk about how he used alkaline food to effectively contain his cancer condition. Yes, just like most of you i had never heard of alkaline/acidic food before.
Alkaline Food and Drinks: These are foods and drinks that increase the amount of oxygen that your blood takes.
Acidic Food & Drinks: These are the exact opposite of alkaline foods, those that carry little or no oxygen.
The amount of oxygen that our blood can take is measured on a PH scale that ranges from 0 to 14, with 0 being highly acidic and 14 being highly alkaline.
From what i have gathered, a healthy meal should consist approximately 60-80% Alkaline food and 20-40% Acidic food. I went on to search for information on how alkaline foods can be effective in preventing cancer.
Apparently if you find yourself constantly tired, irritable, dizzy, low energy levels, fatigue, headaches, recurring infections, etc chances are these are the effects of a possibly acidic diet (stress toxins and parasites can also cause such symptoms).
One Article claims: "There is plenty or research showing a link between acidic PH and Cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment and doesn't survive in a normal and more alkaline environment. Cancer cells even make your body more acidic as they produce lactic acid."
The same article also claims that too much acidity is the underlying factor in many degenerative diseases e,g Diabetes, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia etc.
"According to Keiichi Morishita in his book, Hidden Truth of Cancer, when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances (usually toxins) into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline. This causes your cells to become more acidic and toxic, which results in a decrease of their oxygen levels, and harms their DNA and respiratory enzymes."
The other side of the coin.
A different Cancer Research article claims otherwise.
This contradicts the Alkaline-Food-Fighting-Cancer statements. However i am tempted to believe the former. How do you explain why cancer was almost unheard of during our grandparents' eras, when their diets consisted of "Alkaline Foods"? How do you explain why after we have changed our eating habits, cancer cases in Kenya have shot up drastically? or how suddenly so many Kenyans are suffering from "Lifestyle Diseases" that were previously only heard of in the West?
Of course its clear that the alkaline foods should be consumed in abundance and vice versa, but what about the Cancer-Reversing claims. Are they true?
Any Doctors or Nutritionists out there? What is your stand on this?
Confused Adhis.....
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