Saturday, 15 March 2014

African Woman, All you need is Clear Skin, not Lighter!

The rate at which Africans (Kenyans in this case) are bleaching their faces, one would be forgiven to think that African rain is acidic! Have you ever walked in town and almost every woman looks like they landed from a different planet? A planet where human beings have very light faces, but everything else from the neck down is navy blue?

Reminds me of every time i pass by Mombasa House and ladies are chasing you around with all sorts of "Magic Formula Creams". Yet one look at the person selling you the stuff, and you are like "hee sitaki kuchomeka kama wewe!" (silently of course, lol)

Others have bleached themselves and the creams have backfired on them, and they end up looking like burnt-up Chapatis with spots all over (just for laughs).

We are fearfully and wonderfully made (but bleaching leaves most people fearfully made). There is a huge difference between  clear skin and  lighter skin. There is nothing as beautiful as a lady with clear and smooth skin, regardless of the skin tone.

True, beauty is in the eye of the beer holder, sorry beholder, but we shouldn't kill ourselves with cancer in the name of pleasing society. We all know that society has painted the lighter woman as the prettier one, far from it. Everyone is beautiful in their own skin, literally.

Beauty comes from within, trust me if you don't believe you are beautiful, you will go to great lengths all in the name of pleasing society. Even if it means drinking Snake urine! (i just made that up, don't try it. Lol)
So before you send yourself to an early grave, here are some natural tips to a smooth, clear and glowing skin (not necessarily a lighter one).

Few Tips for clean glowing skin

There are a number of items found on your kitchen shelves that hold the magic to beautiful skin. However some people have sensitive skin (and may not even know it) so test the products first on a different part of your body to lookout for any type of reaction.

In the next week, i will be posting a number of items that you can use on your face, and their various benefits. However, apart from beauty products, there are some regimens that are helpful in the quest for that beautiful smooth skin.

These include:
Water: Above other benefits, water is good for healthy skin. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. After all beauty is from the inside out

Diet: The importance of Fruits and vegetables can not be over emphasized

Use a daily cleanser: Water and soap maybe all you use to clean your face, however your face gets greasy from all the sweat and stuff, hence this is simply not enough. A good tip to beautiful skin is to ensure you always cleanse your face at least once, especially before you sleep. Take a piece of cotton and dub some cleansing liquid on it. Rub it gently on your face. (Please don't be shocked by what the cotton will look like once you are done)

Try the above this as I'll add more posts in the course of the week.

Have yourselves a Lovely and Clear Evening (Never mind its raining, hehe)
Adhis ♥


  1. Adhis! I couldn't agree more....The quest for a healthy glowing skin need not cost an arm and a leg. Tried and tested remedies for the most common beauty problems can be found in your kitchen. 10 Budget beauty secrets.


  2. i know, i once tried a tomato mask, my face was so smooth.I will try the oatmeal mask, and btw squeezie-reviews looks good. +1 follower :)
