Saturday 15 March 2014

Cucumber, Lemon and Mint Water

Water is a necessary item both in your weight loss journey and also for general well being. Water is also essential for your body to detox. This week i came across a cucumber + Lemon + mint water detox recipe. Apparently it aids in detoxing and also weight loss. I did my research, and I will try it out this week.

Take the Cucumber-lemon-mint water first thing in the morning (your body has been in a natural state of fasting all night) and this will help jump start your body's metabolism, and you can continue taking it throughout the day (a good substitute for those of us who easily get bored taking plain water).

Ingredients needed
1-2 Litres of Water (i will use 1)
1 cucumber
1 lemon
10-15 mint leaves

Slice the cucumber and the lemon, and dip them in the water, add the mint leaves.Let this sit overnight in the fridge.

The most obvious benefit here is the water ;) , It helps to flush out toxins and waste from our bodies and hence good for the liver and kidney, not to mention beautiful skin.

contains an amino acid (citrulline) that assists your liver and kidney to get rid of ammonia, it re-hydrates your body and has anti-inflammatory properties, fights cancer and controls blood pressure,

Helps to cleanse and alkalize the body (by the way do you know cancer cells cant survive in an alkaline system), stimulates the digestive track, hence good for digestion, are rich in vitamin C and flavanoids.

Helps the digestive system, helps relax cramped out muscles, it also has a nice flavour, helps relax your mind, and combats bad breath.

You can add watermelon, or oranges or ginger to spice your mixture up.
For those with sensitive teeth, you can always use a straw.

Have a lovely evening Adhis ♥


  1. Yummy! Vitamin water...... Thank you for sharing.

  2. ooh thank you Liz, you don't know how much i (and the other ladies) enjoy taking this, Asante :)

  3. tested n tried,now i need the mint..

  4. Catherine dear, I also need to get them mint leaves, glad you liked it :)
