promised earlier, here is a post on natural remedies for your skin.
Please note that what works for one person may not work for another.
Therefore kindly test the stuff on a different part of your skin to
test if you are sensitive, We don't want you to end up looking like a
backfired operation now, do we?
no particular order:
it on your skin and let it sit for 15- 30 minutes
- nourishes and soothes your skin
- has anti-bacterial and hydrating properties
- rejuvenates skin
- reduces blemishes
- Treats acne
- gets rid of tanning due to excessive sun exposure
- Has antiseptic properties for scars and wounds
- clarifying (opens up pores making them easy to unclog)
- anti-inflammatory properties that delay the ageing process
raw milk on face and neck. Let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse with
- Reduces dark patches (lactic acid)
- Evenly tones out skin
- radiant looking skin
- shrink pores
- nourishes and softens the skin
- exfoliates dead skin cells
- Excellent cleanser (no wonder most cleansers have "milk")
- improves complexion
- Excellent moisturiser
- Smoothens fine lines and wrinkles
wonder Cleopatra soaked herself daily in honey and milk!)
the cucumber and rub on skin leave on for 5 minutes
- Fades dark circles
- Revitalises skin
- Reduces puffy eyes
- Tightens open pores
- Glowing complexion and reduced pigmentation
- Treats sunburn
- Moisturises and hydrates skin
- banishes cellulite on thighs ----->(phytochemicals cause the collagen in your skin to tighten and firm up the outer layers. It works wonders on wrinkles as well. )
a quarter of a tomato and mash it on your palm then apply
- Delays skin ageing and wrinkling
- deeply cleanses skin
- shrinks open pores
- Used as an astringent - for oily skin
- Glowing skin
- Gets rid of tans and pigmentation
- Helps rid blackheads
#5 Potato
a potato and rub on skin
- Brightens skin
- Removes eye puffiness (same as cucumber)
- Gets rid of blemishes and dark spots
- Lifting dead skin cells
- Delays wrinkle formation
- Relief from sunburn
- Relieves Eczema
yoghurt on cotton wool the rub on face
- Brightens skin
- Tightens skin pores
- Exfoliated dead skin cells
- Reduces blemishes, tanning and pigmentation
- Clears acne
- Reduces wrinkles
- Relief from sunburn
Aloe Vera
those close to aloe Vera plants, the gel can be quite
- Lessens visibility of stretch marks
- Anti aging (contains anxti oxidants - beta carotene, vitamin C and E)
- Moisturizes skin
- Combats acne
- Alleviates skin rashes
- Shrinks warts
- Helps eliminate Eczema
- Relieves skin allergic reactions
Slice a lemon and rub on skin
Removes blackheads
Tones oily skin
Facial Cleanser
Effective Astringent
Natural antiseptic
nb: If lemon is too acidic, you can dilute with water, use of lemon over a long time can lighten skin, avoid direct contact with sun after using lemon.
I would think twice about applying pure lemon on my face. You may want to add it to a lemon+honey+milk mask, but i would avoid using it pure.
Remember to test the products first before applying on skin.
Other than that, here are some helpful (unrelated) tips- Apply Proper Sunscreen whenever you go out
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
- Avoid touching your face with hands that aren't clean
- Don pop zits
- Moisturise skin, even if you have the oily type
- Avoid sharing your make-up
- Clean makeup brushes and sponges frequently
- Avoid alcohol and smoking, junk food and excess salt.
Love Adhis ♥
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